"Syoku-Gan" ; Candy toy figure.

"Syoku-Gan" will be the abbreviation of the food toy probably.

*Translator N.B. "Syoku-Gan" is not like the"chocolate egg". The general one which is sold in Japan enters a heartlessly beautifully printed paper box. It is displayed to the corner of "the food" by the circulation situation in Japan.

Only a few snacks and an elaborate model are included in this small. This is a collector's item for the adult.
The snack doesn't sometimes enter, too. Let's think for now together.

I don't say a so enthusiastic collector. When finding the one to be interested in, it cannot but buy.
It is only to do the favorite which is recent comparatively that is put on the room space of this bookshelf.
The wall in the corridor has the shelf which is special in the exposure of the model.

It has been displayed a lot around the model of UMA(Hidden Animals) and the specter relation there.