Dr. Desty Nova
He gave Alita Imaginos Body, and untied it to Tiphares.
It faces space city Ketheres with Alita, and... |
Alita (Yoko)
Imaginos Body is given by Nova, and she revives at Tiphares. She sneaks into space city Ketheres for old friend's Lou. |
Elf & Zwölf
Alive the remainder of AR series. It acts both as an assistant of Nova. It always acts in groups of two. |
Sechs /AR-6
Alita Replica. It alive the remainder of AR series.
Other AR series are broken, and Alita is challenged to a fight with Tiphares. |
Guard post soldier of Queen Limeira. It has an absolute loyalty to Limeira.
The strategy that uses the gun is skillful. |
Aga Mbadi
True a person of influence of Ketheres and LADDER assembly. Hero who fought against nanotech crime.
He met Nova and others. But... |
Caerula Sanguis
Chief director of Stellar Nursery "Guntroll". It defends children from the child slaughter policy of LADDER. What is the true colors of her? |
Super Nova
Clone of Nova.
Two brain chips are buried, and it evolves the ability greatly. He cooperates from the agreement of the interest to Mbadi. |
He is the master of "Electromagnetic Space Karate" that a sect of the space Karate. He aims at the founding of a country of "Karate star" in which everyone can learn the Karate, and it participates in ZOTT. |
Strongest Karate person of legend in space. He participates in the space Karate team with bad grace by the request of Toji. He is interested at the growth of Sechs. |