1967-1969 of Yukito's room

Y u k i t o C h r o n i c l e

Main occurrences around the world

1967 (Yukito Kishiro age 0)

The spaceship Apollo under discharge experiment goes up in flames (USA)
The U.S. Forces start "defoliation tactics" in the Vietnam War (Vietnam)
Third Middle East War (Six-Day War)
China succeed in the first H-bomb test (China)
Afro-American set off the greatest ever riot in Detroit (USA)
Che Guevara dies (Cuba)
Pu-i, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty dies (China)
The first heart transplant operation in the world succeed (South Africa)

The Rika-chan dolls go on the market
A popular song Kaettekita Yopparai (The drunk who came back) hits
A popular song Blue Chateau hits
Manga magazine Weekly Manga Action is launched
Manga magazine COM is launched
Manga series Hinotori (Firebird) starts in COM
Manga series Tensai Bakabon (Genious Bakabon) starts in Weekly Shonen Magazine
Manga series Lupin The 3rd starts in Weekly Manga Action
Radio program All Night Nippon starts
American TV series Mission: Impossible starts in Japan
TV series Ultra Seven starts
TV series Kamen no Ninja Akakage (Red Shadow, The Masked Ninja) starts
TV series Comet-san starts
TV series Giant Robo starts
TV series Golden Bat starts
Film Bonnie and Clyde is screened
Film You Only Live Twice is screened

1968 (Yukito Kishiro age 1)

The Tet Offensive begins (Vietnam)
My Lai Massacre (Vietnam)
Martin Luther King, Jr. is shot dead (U.S.A.).
The Warsaw Treaty Organization troops invade Czechoslovakia and the Prague Spring ends (Czechoslovakia)
The first heart transplant in Japan (Japan)
Kwon Hyi-ro kills 2 gang members and take 13 hostages (Japan)
Tokachi Offshore Earthquake (Japan)
A farmer is killed by the light of UFO (New Zealand)

Yasunari Kawabata wins the Nobel Prize for Literature (Japan)
The 300 million yen robbery occurs in Fuchu, Tokyo (Japan)
Itai-itai disease is recognized as a pollution-related illness (Japan)
Kanemi rice oil disease incident (Japan)
Ogasawara Islands are returned to Japan
Intel Corp. gets founded (U.S.A.)
36-story Kasumigaseki building is completed (Japan)
Helen Keller dies
Yuri Gagarin dies

TAKARA sells a Japanese version of The Game of Life and makes a big hit
The first retort curry "Bon Curry" goes on the market

Snack food "Karl" goes on the market
TV Animation Kyojin no Hoshi (Star of the Giants) starts
TV Animation Sasuke starts
TV Animation Yokai Ningen Bem (Humanoid Monster Bem) starts
TV Animation GeGeGe no Kitaro starts
Manga series Ashita no Jo (Tomorrow's Joe) starts in Weekly Shonen Magazine
Manga series Harenchi Gakuen (Shameless School) starts in Weekly Shonen Jump
Manga series Otoko Ippiki Gaki Daisho starts in Weekly Shonen Jump
The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey get a theatrical release
The movie Planet of the Apes get a theatrical release
Monthly Big Comic starts
The semi-monthly Shonen Jump starts

1969 (Yukito Kishiro age 2)

The riot police storms Tokyo University's student-occupied Yasuda Hall (Japan)
Apollo 11 lands on the moon (Moon)
Actress Sharon Tate is slaughtered (U.S.A.)
A Japanese spree killer Norio Nagayama is arrested (Japan)
The nuclear-powered ship "Mutsu" is launched (Japan)
The Woodstock Festival is held (U.S.A.)
GNP of Japan ranks second in Western countries (Japan)
Ho Chi Minh dies
Kabuki and film actor Raizo Ichikawa dies

Japanese pupular song Kuroneko no Tango (Black Cat Tango) makes a hit.
The semi-monthly Shonen champion starts.
TV program Hachijidayo, Zen'inshugo! (It's 8 p.m., Everyone Together!) starts
Manga series Golgo 13 start in Big Comic
TV Animation Sazae-San starts
TV Animation Moomin starts
TV Animation Tiger Mask starts
The movie Easy Rider get a theatrical release
The movie Midnight Cowboy get a theatrical release
The movie Rosemary's Baby get a theatrical release


